There are currently 565 projects with the selected filtering.
Conducting actions to stop Titicaca flightless grebe accidental fishing net deaths in Bolivia
The Titicaca Flightless Grebe is in a fast decline through accidental fishing net deaths in Bolivia and Peru. Birds are washed up on the beach daily. If no actions are...View Project
Inventory, distribution & conservation action of the Critically Endangered Philippine forest turtle, Philippines
This project will assess the distribution, habitat use, relative abundance and threats to the critically endangered Philippine forest turtle in Palawan Island, Philippines, a high priority hotspot for biodiversity. In...View Project
Complementing local communities biodiversity conservation initiatives in Southern Cebu, Philippines
The island of Cebu, Philippines is considered an endemic and important bird area due to the presence of six restricted range species and two endemic bird species - the Cebu...View Project
Ecology and conservation of sharks in a nursery area in the São Paulo state coast, Brazil
Sharks are an important component of the marine coastal fauna in the southeastern of Brazil. In this region several species have been exploited or caught as by-catch without any regulatory...View Project
Conservation of threatened conifers in the Eastern Dalat Plateau, Vietnam
In response to the recommendations made by the Fauna & Flora International’s Vietnam Conifer Conservation Status Review 2004, the project team will initiate in situ and ex situ conservation programme...View Project
Rainforest reserves for Critically Endangered Comorian fruit bats
Motivated by the plight of a critically endangered fruit bat, Livingstone’s flying fox, and that of a range of other threatened species sharing its rapidly disappearing species-rich rainforest habitat in...View Project
Evaluation of present distribution and condition of the manatee in Cuanza River
The wide distribution of the African manatee along the west coast of Africa contrasts with the low level of information about the biology and present status of the species, particularly...View Project
Southeastern Cuba: a unique bird habitat
The main goals of the southeastern Cuba Project are to rediscover the Cuban kite (Chondrohierax wilsonii) and the Cuban parauque (Siphonorhis daiquiri); to estimate the population size and distribution of...View Project
Ecology, distribution, status and protection of three Congolese fruit bats
Two or three endemic fruit bats occur in the savannas south of the Central African rain forest block: Epomophoris grandis, Micropteropus intermedius and Epomophorus cf. labiatus. According to IUCN, two...View Project
Project Yabelo: status of the Ethiopia bush crow and white-tailed swallow
The Ethiopian Bush-crow and the White-tailed Swallow both have remarkably restricted ranges in southern Ethiopia and are currently classified as vulnerable. Despite their restricted range and relatively small population size,...View Project
Threats to nesting leatherback turtles in Pongara National Park, Gabon
Pongara National Park, located just 15 minutes by boat from Libreville, Gabon's capital, is a key leatherback turtle nesting area. Around 3,500 nests are laid each year between the months...View Project
Conservation of African wild dogs in northern Mozambique
The vast wilderness of Mozambique provides potential habitat for the Endangered African wild dog, allowing for a more or less continuous range for the dogs across neighboring countries. Using both...View Project
Red siskin (Carduelis cucullata) research and conservation programme
The endangered Red Siskin has been extirpated throughout most of its historic range, primarily due to trapping for the caged bird trade. In 2000 a previously unknown population was discovered...View Project
Conservation of the Syrian serin in Lebanon
The Syrian serin is one of the species of birds that breeds in and migrates through Lebanon and is considered "globally threatened" by IUCN (Evans 1994). It is a "restricted-range"...View Project
Assessment of seabird bycatch in Peruvian artisanal fisheries
Albatross and petrel bycatch in global fisheries has been a growing concern since the early 1990s. Information on seabird bycatch is scarce for the southeast Pacific. This gap makes difficult...View Project
Conservation of Tricholoma matsutake in Northwest Yunnan, China
The ectomycorrhizal species Tricholoma matsutake has been exported since 1985 from southwest Yunnan, China. It has quickly eclipsed logging and pastorialism to become the major contribution to rural livelihood and...View Project
Conservation of an island endemic; Calayan rail (Gallirallus calayanensis)
The Calayan Rail (Gallirallus calayanensis), an endemic of Calayan Island in the Babuyan Islands, Philippines, was discovered and described last year by Allen et al. (2004) and was assigned a...View Project
Project Pawi: recovery of the Trinidad piping-guan
The Trinidad piping-guan, or pawi, is considered Critically Endangered due to its extremely small population, continuing habitat loss and illegal hunting. Our project addresses several priority actions proposed in Threatened...View Project
Distribution and abundance of Solomys ponceleti and S. salebrosus in Solomon Islands
This research project intends to investigate the distribution, habitat preference, and conservation status of two native giant rats Solomys ponceleti and S. salebrosus endemic to Choiseul and Bougainville Islands in...View Project
YARÉ: Yariguíes assessment and research of endangered species
Serranía de los Yariguíes is an isolated spur of Colombia’s Eastern Andean Cordillera. It straddles three endemic bird areas (EBAs), two of which are rated critical, but remains almost completely...View Project