An integrative research and conservation programme for the Chamaeleonidae from southwestern Madagascar
Hajaniaina Rasoloarison
The dry and spiny ecosystems of south-west Madagascar are home to locally endemic chameleons. The conservation status of most of the species are Critically Endangered, Endangered, Vulnerable or Data Deficient. These species face different threats such as deforestation, bush fires, small-scale mining and climate change. However, few studies have been conducted to investigate their biology, ecology, distribution and conservation aspect. The aim of this project is therefore to implement an integrative research, management and conservation program for the threatened chameleons of south-west Madagascar. To achieve this, the method consists of using both ecological and social methods. Firstly, the ecological survey consists of determining the distribution and habitats of each species in order to update their conservation status. Then, the second approach consists of conducting social surveys in to understand the attitude and perception of the communities regarding the conservation of chameleons. The combination of these information is crucial in determining the causes of species declines, and in suggesting appropriate conservation strategy to prevent the early extinction of species. Although this study is based on chameleon, the results will assist conservationists in dealing with the challenges of conserving species associated with the arid habitats.