Future Conservationist Award

Future Conservation Awards: your first step as a conservation leader.

The call for applications to our 2025 Future Conservationist Awards is open. These awards offer early-career conservationists a chance to gain a project grant of up to $15,000 as well as specialised training, mentorship and continuous support through our extensive global alumni network. We invite proposals from teams of early-career conservationists addressing global conservation priorities at a local level. Applications should be submitted via the online application portal by the deadline: 18 October, 2024.

Alumni Reviewers: Applicants to our Team Awards are able to contact one of our Alumni Reviewers to ask for help with your application. Our Alumni Reviewers are CLP alumni who have volunteered their time to review your proposal and provide detailed feedback (via email). Applicants may send proposals to Alumni Reviewers up to 23 September, 2024. Detailed guidelines on this scheme, along with the biographies and email addresses of our Alumni Reviewers, can be found in the below document. Please choose ONE of the Alumni Reviewers listed and send your draft proposal to them for review.

CLP Alumni Reviewer Scheme 2024_Guidelines and Reviewer Biographies_v3

Winners of our 2025 Team Awards will receive a grant of up to US$15,000 plus training, mentorship, and continuous support through our extensive global alumni network.

Main eligibility criteria:

  • Proposed projects must be focused on protecting at-risk species such as those listed as Data Deficient, Vulnerable, Endangered or Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List;
  • Projects must take place in an eligible country and last between three to 12 months;
  • Project teams must include at least three people;
  • All team members must be early in their careers (i.e., have less than five years of professional conservation experience);
  • All team members must be nationals of the country in which the project will take place, although one team member can be a non-national if this is clearly justified in the application.
  • For more details on our eligibility criteria, we recommend you carefully read these guidelines on our Future Conservationist Awards.

Please note: If you have previously received a Future Conservationist Award, you are eligible to apply again, as long as your project meets the following criteria:

• Your initial CLP project is successfully closed
• Your new project relates to a different species
• Your new project works on the same species but in a different site of your country.


Here are some useful resources to help you with your application: