Rufford Small Grants for Nature | The Rufford Small Grants Foundation provides funding for small nature/biodiversity conservation projects and pilot programmes in developing countries. | 8,000 |
Rapid Response Facility Grants | The RRF provides support for rapid responses to emergency situations and immediate threats to biodiversity in a host of eligible sites worldwide. | 30,000 |
Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund | The Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund is a significant philanthropic endowment established to provide targeted grants to individual species conservation initiatives, recognize leaders in the field of species conservation and elevate the importance of species in the broader conservation debate. | 25,000 |
African Bird Club - Conservation Awards | The ABC Conservation Awards support small and medium-sized bird conservation projects in Africa. Applicants should normally be resident in Africa. | 3,100 |
African Bird Club - Expedition Awards | The ABC Expedition Awards (up to £3,000) take place within continental Africa or adjacent islands, with a strong base in conservation and birds. Applications are reviewed multiple times a year, with deadlines at the end of February, June, and October. | 4,700 |
Tropical Biology Association Small Grant Scheme | The TBA Small Grant Scheme provides ground-breaking support to TBA alumni groups to assist them with their conservation projects and to strengthen their proficiency in natural resource management and research. They are particularly interested in innovative ideas and approaches that will lead to real outcomes. | 2,300 |
Russell E. Train Education for Nature - Professional Development Grants | EFN’s Professional Development Grants (PDGs) provide support for mid-career conservationists to pursue short-term, non-degree training to upgrade their knowledge and skills through short courses, workshops, symposiums, conferences (if presenting), and professional exchanges. | 6,500 |
Save Our Species Fund - Rapid Action Grants | SOS is the go-to mechanism to identify and support the best frontline wildlife conservation projects worldwide that help address the global extinction crisis. The first funding call in 2017 is for lemur conservation. | 25,000 |
SeaWorld and Busch Gardens - Conservation Fund | The Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife conservation, research, and education. Applications are accepted from non-profit organizations in the USA and other countries; governmental entities; accredited universities and research centers; and institutions accredited by AZA or AMMPA. | 25,000 |
Neotropical Bird Club Conservation Award | The Neotropical Bird Club offers research grants up to $5,000 for conservation work, or for research which may be of conservation benefit. Awards are for projects carried out by nationals and/or residents of countries in the Neotropics (i.e. the Caribbean, Central America, and South America). | 5,000 |
American Society of Primatologists | ASP supports students and young researchers from habitat countries who are engaged in primate conservation through two grants; Conservation Small Grants (up to $1,500) and The Conservation Award (up to $750). | 1,500 |
Bat Conservation International | BCI offers two granting programs, Student Research Scholarships and Global Grassroots Grants, designed to create and support a new generation of talented young researchers and conservationists dedicated to the lasting survival of the world’s 1,300+ species of bats. | 5,000 |
Primate Conservation Inc | PCI offers seed funding and matching grants for graduate students, qualified conservationists, and primatologists to study rare and endangered primates. Preference is for projects that involve people of the habitat countries, with a current focus on projects in Asia and West Africa. | 5,000 |
Wilson Ornithological Society | The Wilson Ornithological Society offers five types of research awards to fund avian research anywhere in the world. Eligibility is open to citizens of all countries. Grants range from $1,000 to $2,500 -- varying with each award program. Membership in WOS is encouraged, but not required. | 2,500 |
Audubon Naturalist Society | The Crowder-Messersmith Conservation Fund makes grants for local conservation projects in developing countries. The grants are intended as seed money for communities and individuals. The Fund especially invites applications from the developing countries. | 2,000 |
Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Awards | Three awards are available for outstanding African scientists; (i) AU-TWAS National Young Scientists Award at the National Level ($5,000); (ii) African Union Regional Women Scientists Award at the AU Regional Level ($20,000); and (iii)Continental Scientific Award at the continental level ($100,000). | 100,000 |
International Society of Tropical Foresters Innovation Prize | The Yale chapter of the International Society of Tropical Foresters announces the ISTF 2015 Innovation Prize for outstanding initiatives in biodiversity conservation at the landscape level. The contest invites projects led by local organizations in developing tropical countries, with priority for multidisciplinary research and teams. | 2,500 |
British Ornithologists' Union Grants and Bursaries | The BOU offers Small Ornithological Research Grants that support small projects outright, or to partly fund medium-sized programs. The BOU also offers Career Development Bursaries to support short-term research positions of young and early-career ornithologists in any country. | 4,000 |
Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund | CEPF provides grants for nongovernmental and private sector organizations to help protect biodiversity hotspots, Earth’s most biologically rich yet threatened areas. CEPF provides Small Grants up to $20,000 and Large grants from $20,000 to $150,000. | 150,000 |
Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund - Annual Conservation Grants | The Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund provides financial support for the study of wildlife, the protection of habitats and community conservation and education. The goal is to support conservation organizations focused on long-term positive impacts for wildlife and habitats. | 25,000 |
Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund - Rapid Response Fund | In times of true crisis, emergency funding is provided in response to urgent environmental or conservation needs. Each year the Disney Worldwide Conservation Fund sets aside dollars in a Rapid Response Fund. | 5,000 |
Whitley Fund for Nature | The Whitley Fund for Nature (WFN) offers awards and grants to outstanding nature conservationists around the world. They locate and recognise some of the world’s most dynamic conservation leaders and support projects founded on good science, community involvement and pragmatism. | 55,000 |
Future for Nature Foundation | The Future for Nature Award is a prestigious international award that celebrates tangible achievements in protecting wild animal and plant species. | 62,300 |
The GEF Small Grants Programme | SGP grants are made directly to community-based organizations (CBOs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in recognition of the key role they play as a resource and constituency for environment and development concerns. | 50,000 |
Fresno Chaffee Zoo -- Grants for Wildlife Conservation | The Fresno Chaffee Zoo Wildlife Conservation Fund makes grants for wildlife conservation and research that focuses on rare, threatened, and endangered animals and their habitats. The priority is for in situ conservation projects. | 2,000 |
American Society of Mammalogists | Two awards are offered; 1) Latin American Student Field Research award ($1500) and 2) the Oliver P. Pearson award ($5000). | 5,000 |
ZSL EDGE of Existence programme | ZSL EDGE focuses specifically on threatened species that represent a significant amount of unique evolutionary history. | 12,000 |
National Geographic Expedited Grant | An Expedited Grant application is a rare request for funding that requires a rapid response due to exceptional circumstances. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, and decisions are made as quickly as possible. | 15,000 |
National Geographic Standard Grant | A Standard Grant application is a request for funding that does not have the urgent time constraints of an Expedited Grant application. The applicants should have clear records of successful completion of similar projects with measurable and/or tangible results. | 30,000 |
National Geographic Early Career Grant | An Early Career Grant offers individuals their first opportunity to lead their own project. No advanced degree is needed, although evidence of prior experience is expected. | 5,000 |
US Fish & Wildlife | The Service’s International Affairs program coordinates domestic and international efforts to protect, restore, and enhance the world’s diverse wildlife and their habitats with a focus on species of international concern. Various funding streams. | 100,000 |
DierenPark Amersfoort Wildlife Fund | The DierenPark Amersfoort Wildlife Fund wants to make a structural contribution to the protection of nature and especially endangered species | 11,550 |