Bat survey in the Slovensky Raj National Park (Slovakia)

Katarina Janeckova

Slovensky Raj National Park, in the Slovak karst region of Slovakia, has a high number of caves and underground spaces which serve as important habitat for bats. Some surveys have taken place in this area, but more than 85% of the caves have not been investigated. Moreover, very little data exists about forest bat species and summer colonies in abandoned buildings, which are potentially endangered by reconstruction. The project aims to assess species composition, abundance and distribution of bats in the Slovensky Raj National Park by surveying with a bat detector and checking buildings in the summer, mistnettings in the summer/autumn, and cave checking in the winter. Data obtained, together with data on current and potential threats, will be used for proposing conservation measures. Training for local students and NGOs in bat research and monitoring techniques will encourage the continuation of conservation activities after the project is finished.