Providing support to the BirdLife Partnership’s work on climate change
Bhopal Pandeya
2009 is a critical year for climate change culminating in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of Parties in December 2009. BirdLife believes that the Copenhagen conclusions must effectively address the significance and interdependence of climate change, people, biodiversity and ecosystems. Two issues that are essential to a successful outcome from Copenhagen are i). recognition of the role of ecosystems (and the vital services they provide) in adaptation and ii). ensuring a good outcome for REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation in Developing countries) that actively supports biodiversity. There was a clear call from the BirdLife Partnership at the BirdLife World Conference in September 2008 for more information and a greater understanding of climate change issues and support for Partners to engage further on climate change policy and advocacy. The intern will help address this issue.