Cambridge Solomon Islands rainforest project 1990
David Buckingham
A study of rainforest birds on a selection of islands in North Melanesia. Priority was given to islands with concentrations of threatened endemic bird species, data were collected on geographical and altitudinal distribution, population densities and habitat requirements. Two members of the team spent July exploring Manus in the Admiralty Islands of Papua New Guinea. During August and September the Solomon Islands were visited. The islands of Kolombangara and Makira (San Cristobel) received the most attention. Shorter visits were made to the Island of Ghizo, Guadalcanal, Rennell and the Three Sisters (Olu Malau). A total of 45 of the expected 57 Solomon endemics known for these islands was seen. Field observations of reptiles, mammals and butterflies were also recorded and attention drawn to an apparently undescribed form of rat on the mountain of Kolombangara.
Project update: 16/8/96. The project carried out a study of rainforest birds on the Solomon Islands of Kolombangara, Makira (San Cristobal), Ghizo, Guadalcanal, Rennell and the Three Sisters (Olu Malau). In addition, two members of the team went on to explore Manus in the Admiralty Islands of Papua New Guinea. Field observations of reptiles, mammals and butterflies were also recorded and attention drawn to an apparently undescribed form of rat on the mountain on Kolombangara. Land ownership makes conservation action very complex in the Solomon Islands and, as a result, the project has had little visible impact.