Implementing a community-based conservation management zone to protect the red siskin in Guyana
Leroy Aloyshius Ignacio
Our project will leverage grassroots support to provide a framework for the protection of the Endangered red siskin through the development of an innovative community-based conservation management zone in southern Guyana. Drawing on our detailed knowledge of the species accrued over years of surveys, we will engage six indigenous communities to develop a boundary for the zone; work with those communities to create rules to discourage the trapping of siskins and destruction of their habitat and have community rangers monitor the zone. This project will complement our ongoing survey and education work in the region, much of which is focused on red siskins, and will serve as a focal point for international birdwatchers and ecotourists who support our local economies. Establishing a unit with tangible boundaries and managed entirely by its indigenous residents will lead to effective deterrence of external threats and a subsequent increase in this endemic red siskin population. It will also provide an ideal site for future projects including habitat restoration for red siskins and community conservation of other threatened wildlife. The construction of two rooms to act as accommodation for scientists and tourists will provide the project with a sustainable source of income to allow for the continued monitoring of the zone after the project funding has finished.
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