Conservation status of the bumble-bee bat in Myanmar
Ramos Pereira
Background: - the bumble-bee bat is the world's smallest mammal, weighting 2 grams. Until recently its distribution area was thought to be restricted to a small area on the River Kwai, Thailand. In March 2001, it was discovered in Kayon Cave in Mon State, Myanmar during a survey supported by the 100% Fund (FFI). It is one of 5 species recently added to the bat fauna of Myanmar. The bat fauna of Myanmar includes 10 families and 92 species (Bates et al, 2001). Expected results: - additional information about the distribution and key cave roosts of the bumble-bee bat in SE Myanmar; population status; ecological requirements and seasonal movement of populations and finally to develop a strategy that minimizes the disturbance of the species. These results meet some of the recommendations of the Craseonycteris Species Action Plan (pages 136-138) of the Microbat Action Plan. Conservation gain: - raise awareness of the bumble-bee bat in such a way to lead to conservation of roosting and foraging sites in Myanmar; promote local involvement in the conservation of this threatened species; increase Myanmar scientific capacity and raise the status of bats in Myanmar's conservation objectives.