CROC: A follow-up proposal for the conservation of the critically endangered Philippine crocodile

Jan van der Ploeg

The Philippine crocodile is a critically endangered species (IUCN 2000) and considered to be the most threatened crocodile species in the world. This endemic freshwater crocodile, once thought to be extinct in Luzon, was recently rediscovered in the Northern Sierra Madre, Northeast Luzon. The isolated and fragmented populations that inhabit the creeks and rivers of the municipality of San Mariano are currently regarded as the only hope for survival of the species in the wild. The CROC project, carried out by Dutch and Filipino students, has contributed significantly to the protection of the Philippine crocodile in Northeast Luzon by providing the necessary scientific data for conservation action. Based on these results, the CROC project now wants to continue to address this global conservation priority at the local level. The goal of the CROC follow-up project is to conserve and rehabilitate remaining Philippine crocodile populations in the wild in Northeast Luzon and to protect them from extinction. The CROC project has outlined the possibilities of protecting the Philippine crocodile in the wild. This follow-up proposal confronts that challenge by identifying activities that will prove that there is a future for Crocodylus mindorensis in the wild.

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