Expanding protected areas in Argun Midflow and bird monitoring network in Daurai ecoregion on Russia-China-Mongolia border

Evgeny Simonov, Cong Lulu

In 2007 we documented and publicized the fact that wetlands of Argun River are critically endangered due to lack of conservation management and expanding human pressures in the dry phase of local climate cycle. In 2008 we will use developed body of knowledge to assist improving conservation management of wetlands in Argun river valley and eastern part of Daurian ecoregion.

Our project will work towards connecting wetland areas on Argun River wetlands with Dauria International Protected Area (DIPA), which has the capacity to manage and monitor it. To link data on local bird migration, water cycle and water transfer we will develop monitoring system for wetland habitat combining field surveys with RS analysis for Eastern Dauria. the project will design and test an environmental education programme for Dauria to be used by DIPA and local students.

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