The globally threatened white-naped crane (Grus vipio) in Mongolia

Ute Bradter

Information for the development of a land use programme to coordinate economic and environmental goals will be provided (Priority Conservation Measure in key breeding sites as the Uldz River Basin (Meine & Archinald 1996)) as well as scientific background data essential for effective expanding of existing and establishment of new protected areas in Mongolia, China and Russia. The project is planned to continue after the initial year for two more consecutive years (focusing on a more detailed investigation of habitat use).The Uldz River Basin in north-eastern Mongolia supports important numbers of breeding White-naped Cranes (Grus vipio). This species is globally threatened and listed in the Red Data Book of Mongolia. The destruction and degradation of wetlands, their main breeding habitat is the main threat to the population. This joint Mongolian/German project aims to conduct the research needed to recommend appropriate conservation actions. Information for the development of a land use programme to coordinate economic and environmental goals will be provided as well as scientific background data essential for effective expanding of existing and establishment of new protected areas in Mongolia, China and Russia. The project is planned to continue after the initial year for two more consecutive years focusing on a more detailed investigation of habitat use. Another major part of Project Grus vipio is to provide training opportunities for Mongolia’s future conservation specialists by involving several biology students.