Population dynamics of Chlorocardium rodiei (Greenheart) in Guyana, South America

Sherica Nicole Isaacs

In Guyana, Chlorocardium rodiei (greenheart) is listed as a data deficient species. This tree species is of great economic importance to Guyana as the forestry sector is a major contributor to the country’s GDP. Due to the high demand for greenheart a ban on export was imposed. To date, limited information is available on the distribution and population dynamics of greenheart. As such, this project was developed to acquire data from historical records, surveys and interviews. This information will be used to comprehensively assess the species’ conservation status using IUCN guidelines. For this study, we will collate historical inventory records that are available, conduct interviews with the local communities to validate the distribution of greenheart and generate a distribution map for this greenheart. Our main goal is to use those data to promote sustainable use and conservation of greenheart in Guyana.