Conservation of Threatened and Migratory Birds in the Eerguna-Midflow Transboundary Wetland, China/Russia

Zheng Lijun

The Eerguna-Midflow is a wetland area straddling the China-Russian border in the northeast of Inner Mongolia. The Eerguna Provincial Wetland Reserve only includes the northwestern part of these wetlands, which provide important breeding and stop-over habitat for many internationally threatened and migratory species. The wetlands are under-studied and subject to several pressures from surrounding settlements and, increasingly, tourism. Migratory, breeding and post-breeding populations in the Eerguna-Midflow will be assessed with emphasis on five threatened species' breeding ecology: red-crowned crane, white-naped crane, swan goose, great bustard and greater spotted eagle. Socio-economic conditions will be assessed through participatory survey. Obtained data will be used to underpin a community outreach programme and conservation action plan.

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