Mitigating biodiversity extinctions in Ghana: the case of the endemic Bobiri reed frog

Amaning Kwarteng David

This project is aimed at giving a fighting chance of survival to the endemic and endangered Bobiri reed frog (Hyperolius bobirensis) through research and action. The frog has not been seen in its type locality for three decades now following its description. Although destruction of riparian vegetation continues to be a threat to the frogs' persistence, enigmatic declines of the frog in some protected sites give the impression that there may be other unknown drivers (possibly diseases) of the species declines. We intend to survey for the frog in it historical sites (Bobiri & Atewa Forest Reserves and Ankasa National Park). We will adopt participatory collaborative approach to achieve the following objectives i) to investigate whether the amphibian chytrid fungus is contributing to the decline of H. bobirensis, (ii) to determine the current population, distribution and habitat associations H. bobirensis, (iii) to instigate positive behaviour change in forest fringe communities and (iv) to build capacity of students in amphibian research and identification protocols. Results of this work is critical in completing the first Amphibian Conservation Action Plan for Ghana. Also results of this work is needed to reinforce the upgrading of the Atewa Forest Reserve to a National Park status.