Nakanai ’93: an Oxford University expedition to New Britain Island, Papua New Guinea
Jonathan Clay
The original plan, a survey of the montane avifauna of the Nakani Mountain range, New Britain Island, had to be abandoned due to access problems. In collaboration with the Pacific Heritage Foundation and the West New Britain Provincial Government alternative projects were identified. The team undertook bird surveys, sound recordings, and population studies at three sites under threat from exploitation: Lake Hargy at the base of the Nakanai range, the Bainings, and a site near Mount Talawe in the Cape Glosta area.
Project update: 21/8/96. The original aim of surveying the avifauna on the Nakanai mountain range on New Britain was abandoned due to access difficulties. The team surveyed the avifauna at three different sites under threat from exploitation. The team leader does not know whether there was any follow-up (J. Clay in litt. 1998).