Oxford University expedition to Sabah 1991

Caroline Robson

The expedition re-surveyed four permanent coral reef sites, established in the national park during the 1987 Oxford Expedition, and established two new sites. Within each site, diversity, form and extent of all corals was recorded. By comparing the data collected with that already available, it is hoped to detect any deteriorations or improvements in the reef over the last 3 years. Results have been passed to Sabah Parks Authority and Reefwatch.

Project update: 19/8/96. The Oxford University expedition to Sabah 1987 collected quantitative baseline data and established permanent survey stations on four coral reefs in the Tunku Abdul Rahman National Park. The 1991 BP-sponsored follow-up resurveyed these sites to enable a comparison between the two data sets. Another follow-up in 1994 was awarded the Marine category and subsequent work was done in 1995. Research served to monitor the degradation of the reefs against a backdrop of tourist and infrastructure development. The team have mostly continued in marine conservation (C. Robson in litt. 1998).