Serra Do Urubu Important Bird Area: Promoting conservation through ecotourism & education, Brazil

Tatiana Pongiluppi Souza

The Serra do Urubu Important Bird Area is a complex of Atlantic Forest patches, located in the most threatened tropical forest of the world. It is one of the poorest regions in Brazil and the local community is unaware of its importance, using the forest as a source of income through illegal charcoal making and logging. The project’s purpose is to promote the conservation of this Important Bird Area through ecotourism, birdwatching and local community awareness. In order to achieve this, several activities will be conducted including the promotion of the region as a tourism destination through specialized events, and posts on the Reserve’s website and social networks. The team will also conduct bird surveys to see whether a reduction in threats is having an effect on bird numbers. During the development of the activities, research reports, folders and posters will be produced, presentations will be held in conferences, and visitors’ facilities will be installed in Pedra D’Anta Reserve. The project will provide the community with an opportunity to connect with nature and value the importance of keeping the Reserve intact. It will contribute to change the way that people see the forest, creating a sentiment towards its protection.

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