Conservation of threatened migratory and resident shorebirds in the Banco dos Cajuais, Brazil
Victoria Maria Reis de Souza
The Banco dos Cajuais, located in the municipality of Icapuí, Ceará state, is recognized as an important stopover/wintering area for shorebirds that are priority species in the National Action Plan for the Conservation of Shorebird Birds in Brazil. The project will be carried out in the Ponta Grossa Environmental Preservation Area of Banco dos Cajuais to monitor and analyse the occurrence of endangered migratory waders and the abundance of resident species. The aim is to strengthen popular participation in studies and in combating threats to shorebirds, through the production of promotional materials and the execution of campaigns and meetings with community stakeholders and general members. The team will also develop joint actions that seek to minimize the impact of irregular local tourist activities that impact shorebirds and empower the community of the Ponta Grossa Environmental Protected Area to carry out new ecotourism practices, such as bird watching. This project will contribute to international plans seeking to outline important feeding and resting areas for migratory birds and breeding sites for residents.