Status survey for orange-necked partridge in Binh Phuoc, Vietnam
Hung Le Manh
The orange-necked partridge (Arborophila davidi) is a globally endangered bird and the species is endemic to the Southern Vietnam Lowlands. There are two confirmed sites for the species: Cat Tien National Park in Vietnam and southern Mondulkiri province, Cambodia. The intervening area in Binh Phuoc province (including Bu Gia Map National Park), Vietnam, supports potentially suitable habitat but has never been studied. Moreover, this area is under very high threats from habitat conversion. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the current status and collect relevant data to build the foundation for future conservation of the orange-necked partridge. The project will result in the identification of Important Bird Areas (IBAs) for the species. These results will then be integrated into land-use plans and projects in the forest sector. Awareness will be achieved through presentation of the results to the local stakeholders, Forest Protection Department, schools in identified sites, NGOs and the scientific community. Field surveys on the species will be conducted using play back of its taped call and the covey–call–count data method will be used to estimate its population size.