University of East Anglia Kackar expedition, Turkey 1993

Marcus Rowcliffe

An ecological survey of the threatened Caucasian blackcock (Tetrao miokosiewicizi), to establish its population status and habitat requirements, and identify possibly threats to the bird and its habitat from hunting, overgrazing or increased tourism. At the six sites visited in the Kackar range, blackcock occurred in all. At the seventh site, separate from the Kackar by a river, blackcock was not found. Their findings suggest that blackcock are more commonly distributed than first thought. However, the team recommend that it keep its near-threatened status.

The study provided the first systematic assessment of distribution, densities and habitat preferences of Caucasian Black Grouse in Turkey. Potential threats to the species still exist though the balance of land use changes in the region is not thought to adversely affect the species. Awareness was raised through general discussion of the issues. (MKP questionnaire)

Project update: 12/2/98. This ecological survey of the near-threatened Caucasian Black Grouse (or Caucasian Blackcock) (Tetrao mlokosiewiczi) found the species to be more commonly distributed than first thought. At the six sites visited in the Kackar range, Black Grouse occurred in all. The study provided the first systematic assessment of distribution, densities and habitat preferences of the bird in Turkey. Potential threats still exist though the balance of land use changes in the region is not thought to adversely affect the species. Awareness was raised through general discussion of the issues (M. Rowcliffe in litt. 1993). The leader now works at the Institute of Zoology in London (M. Rowcliffe in litt. 1998).