Watershed assessment for threatened fish in Halgurd-Sakran Park, Iraq/Kurdistan
Nabil Musa
This project will conduct an assessment and inventory of the general health and threats to fish habitat in the nine rivers/streams that are present within the Halgurd-Sakran Park Area. This area includes three key biodiversity areas but has received limited studies and has never been assessed for fish habitats or surveyed for the presence of threatened fish species. At least three Vulnerable fish species should be present in streams and rivers within the park boundaries but these waterways are still under threat from gravel mining, dam construction garbage, and other pollution. They have also faced threats from years of war and political instability.
The team will be trained in basic fish identification, habitat assessments and survey techniques, which are all skills that are relatively new to the area. Educational materials about the project and the threatened fish species found in these waters will be prepared to present to local stakeholders as well as the Kurdistan Park Board, which is responsible for providing official protection to this area.