White-shouldered ibis project 2003
Edy Sutrisno
White-shouldered ibis (Pseudibis davisoni) is a waterbird species from the Threskiornithidae family and is declining in population and has been classified as a critical endangered species in Threatened birds of Asia: the BirdLife International Red Data Book (BirdLife International 2001). Sözer and Heijden (1997) estimated the total population of white-shouldered ibis in East Kalimantan at around 30 to 100 individuals. The latest survey identified its existence during the dry season in the Mahakam River only along Long Iram and Long Bagun (Sutrisno & Imanuddin 2002). It is urgent to conserve white-shouldered ibis due to its decreasing population and isolated distribution. White-shouldered ibis conservation must be supported by the continuous effort in expanding its limited data base, collecting more information on its ecobiology and etno-zoology, and gaining wide support and participation from the local stakeholders, including the local inhabitants surrounding its habitat, in conducting the regular monitoring and other conservation action. Mapping any relationship (especially cultural) between the species and the local community can be used as an entry point for gaining local support. The aims of this project are to study detailed information of white-shouldered ibis ecobiology and to set up a network for a local participatory-monitoring system in order to conserving White-shouldered Ibis, as recommended in previous surveys. Ecobiology data will be collected through 9 months of field research using various methods. While the network for local participatory-monitoring system will be built through series of discussions with local stakeholders, training for local young scientist and campaigning for the local youth through school visits to 6 schools around white-shouldered ibis habitat.
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