Supported Projects

There are currently 917 projects with the selected filtering.

Future Conservationist Award
Action Sampiri: Sangihe & Talaud conservation project
Future Conservationist Award Bird

Building on their 1995 surveys on the islands of Talaud and Sangihe in Indonesia, the team returned in 1996 to initiate a conservation programme for the endangered Red-and-blue Lory (Eos...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird
Future Conservationist Award
Aberdeen University/Unimas Project Swallow Reef ’96
Future Conservationist Award Fish

Working in conjunction with members of staff from the Institute of Biodiversity and Environmental Conservation (IBEC) and the University of Malaysia, Sarawak (UNIMAS), Project Swallow Reef will be the first...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Fish
Conservation Follow-up Award
Galapagos marine survey phase II
Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal

With a proven track record of achievement in marine conservation in Galápagos - following the successful completion of Galápagos Marine Survey 1991 - the aim of the Phase II follow-up...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal
Future Conservationist Award
Commander Islands – 1996 expedition
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

The project analysed the use of fur seal rookeries by arctic foxes (Alopex lagopus) and assessed the conservation of relict Alopex populations on Mednyi and Bering Islands, in the Commander...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Future Conservationist Award
Project Ortalis ’96
Future Conservationist Award Bird

The principle aim of this bird conservation project - which was run by Ecuadorian, Argentine and British biologists - was to identify the forest remnants adjacent to Bosque Protector Cerro...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird
Future Conservationist Award
Project Nusa Tenggara ’96: a University of East Anglia conservation expedition to Indonesia
Future Conservationist Award Multiple

The Indonesian/British team will survey three proposed protected areas on the islands of West Timor and Roti, Indonesia to determine their conservation significance. The team will compare the relative biodiversity...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Project Utila ’96
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

The island's spectacular coral reefs have experienced an exponential increase in diving activity in the past few years. Project Utila 96 surveyed six baselines permanently marked by Project Utila 95...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Future Conservationist Award
Morant Cay research 1996
Future Conservationist Award Fish

This joint University of London/University of the West Indies project set out to follow the IUCN recommendations "studies should be undertaken... with a view to declaration of the area as...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Fish
Future Conservationist Award
Project Zombitse 1996: a Malagasy-Cambridge conservation expedition
Future Conservationist Award Multiple

Working in collaboration with Malagasy field scientists, the project aimed to facilitate the implementation of WWF's Integrated Conservation Development Plan for the proposed Parc National Zombitse-Vohibasia. The team provided a...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Mangaia 96: conservation in the Cook Islands
Future Conservationist Award Multiple

The team investigated the status, distribution and habitat of rats and landbirds on Mangaia, Cook Islands. The Mangaia Kingfisher (Todirhamphus ruficollaris) was more abundant than anticipated. The preliminary population estimate...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Aberdeen University Unimas Sarawak ’95
Future Conservationist Award Multiple

Working in conjunction with five Malaysian students the aim of this project was to assess the relative abundance and distribution of bats, birds and small mammals in five distinct habitats...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
The threatened birds of Cuba project 1995
Future Conservationist Award Bird

The fieldwork scheduled for March 1995 to February 1996 had to be limited due to problems with visas and counterparts in Cuba. However, the team managed to study the status...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird
Future Conservationist Award
University of East Anglia Gunung Halimun ethnobotanical expedition, Java 1995
Future Conservationist Award Plant

The nine person multi-disciplinary team included three people from the University of East Anglia, UK and six people from the Biological Sciences Club of Jakarta, Indonesia. Research focused on the...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Plant
Future Conservationist Award
Project Podocarpus ’95: the Cambridge conservation project and research expedition in Southern Ecuador
Future Conservationist Award Multiple

An Ecuadorian and British team assessed the levels of mercury pollution from gold mining in Podocarpus National Park and near the mining town of Nambija. Samples of mercury in riverine...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Project Sabrewing
Future Conservationist Award Bird

This large team under the supervision of Dr Floyd Hayes studied the endangered White-tailed Hummingbird. The species is the only globally threatened species in Tobago where it is extremely vulnerable....View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird
Future Conservationist Award
Oxford University Eritrea ’96: an environmental assessment of the mangroves of Hergigo and Arafaile
Future Conservationist Award Plant

Students from the University of Oxford in association with Eritrean scientists conducted a preliminary socio-environmental assessment of the mangrove communities in the Semhar region of the country. Three mangroves have...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Plant
Conservation Follow-up Award
Kyabobo conservation project 1995
Conservation Follow-up Award Multiple

The Oxford University Kyabobo '94 expedition which showed that Ghana's newly formed Kyabobo National Park has a unique mixture of forest and savanna wildlife, with many rare and endangered species....View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Multiple
Conservation Follow-up Award
Project Yacutinga ’95
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

The project was a follow-up to Project Canopy '92. Working with the governmental National Parks Directorate and non-governmental Fundacion Moises Bertoni (the BirdLife Partner), Project Yacutinga united 24 conservationists of...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Future Conservationist Award
Avifauna of Mount Talinis, Philippines
Future Conservationist Award Bird

This Filipino project aimed to survey the avifauna of Mt. Talinis on the island of Negros. The project consisted of three components: (i) an assessment of the relationship between altitude,...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird