There are currently 939 projects with the selected filtering.
The globally threatened white-naped crane (Grus vipio) in Mongolia
Information for the development of a land use programme to coordinate economic and environmental goals will be provided (Priority Conservation Measure in key breeding sites as the Uldz River Basin...View Project
Survey for Tonkin snub-nosed monkey in Bac Can, Ha Giang and Tuyen Quang province
Vietnam has been identified as one of Asia's most biologically valuable countries. The wide range of habitats has given rise to the country's rich and diverse wildlife species, most of...View Project
Threatened avifauna of Negros Island, Philippines
This project will focus on the threatened endemic avifauna on lowland and montane forests of south Negros as recommended by previous studies (Brooks, et al., 1992; Evans, et al, 1993;...View Project
The Cuyacocha rainforest initiative in Ecuador’s Upper Amazonia
The Cuyacocha community contacted Equafor, a UK charity, via an adventurous tourist from the States. Equafor part-funded preliminary reports on the Reserve. The Cuyacocha community have demonstrated their commitment to...View Project
Biodiversity conservation in the wetland Vlãdeni
Project VLADENI 2000 “Biodiversity Conservation in the Wetland Vladeni” is an initiative of Romanian students from the Faculty of Biology, "Al. I. Cuza" University of Iasi. The team aims to...View Project
Andinoherps 2000: amphibians and reptiles of northern Ecuador
Project AndinoHerps is a cooperation between Oxford University and the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador – Sede Ibarra (PUCE-I). The primary aim is to collect baseline data on the herpetofauna...View Project
Towards the conservation of Lago Fontana birds in Patagonia, Argentina
This project will introduce the first year round bird survey of the basin. It will asses the diversity, distribution, use of habitat and abundance of bird communities. These activities will...View Project
Conservation status of the Fijian crested iguana (Brachylophus vitiensis)
Subsequent to the discovery of the Fijian crested iguana (Gibbons 1981), the species was reported on a further 7 islands (Gibbons 1984). At the time Gibbons regarded the species as...View Project
Project Emas 2000: survey on the vertebrate fauna
ENP, covering 132.000 ha is the largest federal conservation unit in the Cerrado, but is virtually an island of preserved landscapes in a matrix of agro-ecosystems. ENP is covered mostly...View Project
Project Tutururu 2
In 1999 the status of the critically endangered Tutururuí, or Polynesian ground-dove (Gallicolumba erythroptera), was assessed during two expeditions visiting eight islands in the Tuamotu Archipelago. Data were also collected...View Project
Project China 2000
In Guangxi, there are 15 main habitat patches, 4 of which survive a population of more than 100 each, and others survive < 50 each (Liu, 1995). There are 4...View Project
Monitor 2000: Hungarian amphibian biodiversity monitoring & education project
In Hungary, amphibian conservation is a relatively new focus but has been recognized as an area of need. To address this problem, survey methods (road call count) were tested in...View Project
Conservation biological study on the Chinese grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi) 2
The Chinese grouse (Bonasa sewerzowi) is a rare and endemic mountain bird found almost exclusively in the highly threatened and fragile virgin spruce-fir forests of south-west China. The project will...View Project
Community perception on forests and birds conservation: the Case Kerita indigenous forest
The Kerita Forest is a part of the Kikuyu Escarpment Forest, listed as an Important Bird Area. Among Kenya's 60 IBAs, this area is listed in the highest priority class...View Project
The role of coffee production in local economy and biodiversity conservation in Southern Mexico
El Triunfo Biosphere Reserve, located in Chiapas, Mexico, is considered one of the best preserved natural areas in Mexico. High biodiversity levels, great number of endemic species and forest quality,...View Project
Surveys of microchiropteran bats in Madagascar 2000 (previously the Queen’s University of Belfast Madagascar expedition 1998)
This project will undertake a bat research project in pristine and fragmented environments of the Masoala peninsula, Madagascar. Particular emphasis will be placed on the endemic genus Myzopodidae, which, uniquely...View Project
Terskij coast: conservation of virgin sub-arctic landscapes on the northwest of Russia
Project "Terskij bereg - Terskij coast: conservation of virgin sub-arctic landscapes on the Northwest of Russia" will open a new page in sub-arctic conservation researches on the North-West of European...View Project
Distribution, relative abundance and commercial trade of tortoises in peninsular Malaysia
This project will conduct the first ever survey on the distribution, population and ecology of three species of wild tortoises in the forests of the lower slopes of the Titiwangsa...View Project
Project Tutururu
The critically endangered Tutururu, or Society Island Ground dove (Gallicolumba erythroptera) is known to exist only on a few small islets in the Tuamotu island group near Tahiti. The project...View Project
Birds of the slash and burn habitats
Working in the successional forest of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in Southern Mexico, the team of 5 will determine status, abundance and patterns of distribution, for both resident and migratory...View Project