Promoting conservation of threatened birds in Western Colombia
Eliana Fierro-Calderon
The Colombian Inter-Andean Slopes and Chocó Endemic Bird Areas are two of the world´s richest areas in terms of biodiversity and endemism. The status and threats to this biodiversity is largely unknown making it difficult to assess the effectiveness of conservation actions. Our study proposes to improve the knowledge of the distribution and ecology of threatened bird species and promote their conservation within these two areas. We will conduct a vulnerability assessment to identify threats and conservation opportunities, and identify key sites for these species. We will visit key sites to obtain information on species ecology, habitat and distribution. Outreach activities will be conducted to promote conservation actions with key decision makers. Our main stakeholders will be engaged throughout the project and be involved in the conservation of these species and their habitats. We will work towards the designation of new Important Bird Areas and update the existing management plans and red list assessments for target species. This project will generate a strong baseline of information on the ecology, threats and distribution of our focal species. Using this information we will work with project stakeholders to develop effective on-going conservation actions.
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