Conservation status of Craveri’s murrelet in Mexico
Yuliana Rocío Bedolla Guzmán
The Craveri’s Murrelet (CRMU; Synthliboramphus craveri) is an endemic species of Mexico, listed as Vulnerable in the IUCN Red List. This small alcid breeds on islands in the Gulf of California and in the Mexican Pacific Ocean. Historically, predation of this species by invasive mammals have been the main threat for this species that caused colony extirpation on some islands. Currently, conservation status of CRMU in the Gulf of California is uncertain as are the threaths this species is facing. The objective of this project is to assess the breeding status of the species and identify the presence of invasive mammals on historical and potential breeding islands. We will work on nine islands in the zone of Midriff islands: Estanque, Partida, Rasa, Las Ánimas, Salsipuedes, San Pedro Mártir, Choyudo, Dátil and Alcatraz. To evaluate the presence of CRMU, we will perform nests searching and vocalizations recording. Adults will be captured in the waters surrounding the islands to check their reproductive status. We will install traps and infrared cameras to assess the presence of invasive mammals. In two local communities, outreach activities about the importance of CRMU and island biosecurity to prevent the introduction of invasives, will be carried out. The final product will be an action plan with conservation and restoration recommendations for the species. This project will contribute to improve conservation management decisions by relevant stakeholders in the region.
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