Saving the last giant squeaker frogs in Ghana

Gilbert Adum

The Sui River Forest Reserve (SRFR) is the only known site for the Critically Endangered giant squeaker frog (Arthroleptis krokosua), which has now been lost from its type location, the Krokosua Hills Forest Reserve. SRFR is being degraded by extensive logging and illegal farming. Additionally, an invasive, highly flammable non-native plant – Devil Weed (Chromolaena odorata) – thrives in disturbed areas, and is preventing the regeneration of native rainforest trees.

We will build on the successes of our previous CLP project and subsequent projects to strengthen the protected area status of SRFR, with giant squeaker frog populations increased and established across suitable and well-protected sites. Specifically, we seek to Key Biodiversity Area (KBA) designation, improve habitat conditions, and sustain conservation awareness programmes. The KBA designation will draw attention to the forest’s precarious situation and the plight of the giant squeaker frog and other endemic, rare and threatened wildlife, such as a newly discovered frog (Conraua sp.) that is awaiting description. These designations would also allow for strategic spatial planning and conservation priority setting, application of environmental safeguard policies for the private sector (such as logging companies), and provide opportunities for local communities.

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