Supported Projects

There are currently 110 projects with the selected filtering.

Conservation Follow-up Award
Building community capacity and support for conserving the lesser florican
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

The lesser florican a globally endangered bird has lost over 90% of its habitat. Being widely distributed, it shares its habitat with communities. Only a combination of a site-based approach...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
Transboundary habitat evaluation and conservation of cao vit gibbon
Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal

The cao vit gibbon is one of the rarest primate species in the world, with only one population of 110 individuals living along the China-Vietnam border. Since its discovery in...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal
Conservation Follow-up Award
For sustainable recovery of grey-shanked douc monkeys in Vietnam
Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal

This project is designed to ensure the sustainable recovery of the grey-shanked douc monkey population in Kon Ka Kinh National Park as well as to educate local people about the...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal
Conservation Follow-up Award
Dugong Without Borders: Building capacity for Indian Ocean sirenian conservation, Comoros
Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal

The islands of the Comoros and Madagascar harbour the last dugong populations in the South West Indian Ocean Islands. However, these populations are currently unstudied, apart from work in the...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal
Conservation Follow-up Award
Dracaena ombet tree community-based conservation project, Gabel Elba Protectorate, Egypt
Conservation Follow-up Award Plant

Dracaena ombet is a globally endangered tree and its subpopulations in Gabel Elba (GE) in Egypt are particularly threatened. Our Future Conservationist project report stated the urgent need to conserve...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Plant
Conservation Follow-up Award
The Bhimashankar Strategy: Toward region-wide community conservation in the Western Ghats, India
Conservation Follow-up Award Multiple

Conservation often requires resource-users to give up destructive or excessive use of biodiversity. This is a challenging task in biodiversity rich areas inhabited by poverty-ridden communities heavily dependent on the...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Multiple
Conservation Follow-up Award
Conservation of an IBA in collaboration with students and local land users, Kazakhstan
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

The inventory of IBAs in Central Asia and the recent nomination of the Central Kazakh steppes and wetlands as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage site, Saryarka, demonstrates the outstanding importance...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
Conservation Action Planning: Application on the ground, Sakhalin Island, Russia
Conservation Follow-up Award Fish

We propose to work with local stakeholders to refine and implement the Conservation Action Plan (CAP) developed in 2008 for the Langry basin in Northwest Sakhalin. The CAP focuses on...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Fish
Conservation Follow-up Award
Supata’s Golden Frog Project: Conservation of new amphibians in Colombia
Conservation Follow-up Award Amphibian

Supatá's forests are been degraded at an alarming rate. In order to assure the conservation of these forest it is necessary to promote the sustainable use of forest resources and...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Amphibian
Conservation Follow-up Award
Project Chicamocha II: saving threatened dry forest biodiversity
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

The Critically Endangered Niceforo’s Wren and Chestnut-bellied Hummingbird are dependent on remnant forests in the Chicamocha canyon. Niceforo’s Wren is at risk of extinction as none of its habitat is...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
Conservation of Oxyura leucocephala in Barabinskay lowland (Russia)
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

The project will be implemented in Barabinskaya lowland, the south-east part of Western Siberia. The aim of the project is to contribute to the development of the local work in...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
Expanding protected areas in Argun Midflow and bird monitoring network in Daurai ecoregion on Russia-China-Mongolia border
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

In 2007 we documented and publicized the fact that wetlands of Argun River are critically endangered due to lack of conservation management and expanding human pressures in the dry phase...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
A conservation framework for furcifer chameleons in Madagascar
Conservation Follow-up Award Reptile

All of the 72 chameleon species in Madagascar are endemic but only four are considered threatened on the IUCN Red List. Three of the 18 furcifer species are vulnerable to...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Reptile
Conservation Follow-up Award
Cebu black shama (Copsychus cebuensis) conservation project
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

The endangered Black Shama (Copsycus cebuensis), endemic to Cebu Island, Philippines, survives in at least nine forest fragments with forest cover ranging from 30 to 1,200 hectares (Jakosalem et al.,...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
Habitat conservation of globally threatened spot-billed pelicans in Sri Lanka
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

Now we have identified main reasons for habitat degradation of Pelicans and other water birds who occupy the man made tanks in Sri Lanka. The man made tanks (previously home...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
Araripe Manakin Wildlife Refuge, Brazil
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

As a result from previous efforts, a conservation plan for the Araripe manakin was published in November 2006 after thoroughly being discussed with stakeholders and environmental authorities, in order to...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
Conservation and Research of Distribution of the Critically Endangered Darevsky’s viper in Armenia
Conservation Follow-up Award Reptile

The Darevsky's viper is a Critically Endangered snake (IUCN category CR C2b) distributed only in Armenia's south-western part of the Javakheti Ridge. This project consists of 2 stages: (1) investigations...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Reptile
Conservation Follow-up Award
Programme for the Conservation of Cuban Cacti
Conservation Follow-up Award Plant

This Programme will solve most of the problems for Cuban cactus conservation identified during the previous BPCP funded project - Conservation of Melocactus actinacanthus. The Programme for the Conservation of...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Plant
Conservation Follow-up Award
Advancing seabird conservation in Peru’s artisanal fisheries through education and research
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

Beginning in 2003 Pro Delphinus began actively investigating seabird interactions with artisanal fisheries in Peru. That work has documented the by-catch and targeted take of seabirds, including endangered and threatened...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
Calayan Rail Project II: Building stakeholders’ capacity to conserve an island-endemic species
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

A preliminary survey of the Calayan Rail has found this island-endemic species under threat from hunting and habitat loss. Through a series of community consultations, a conservation action plan was...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird