There are currently 939 projects with the selected filtering.
Assessing and mitigating the impacts of bycatch mortality of endangered loggerhead turtles, Baja California Sur
The critically endangered North Pacific loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) nests exclusively in Japan, and juveniles undertake developmental migrations that can last several decades and span the entire Pacific. Juvenile loggerheads...View Project
Cebu black shama (Copsychus cebuensis) conservation project
The endangered Black Shama (Copsycus cebuensis), endemic to Cebu Island, Philippines, survives in at least nine forest fragments with forest cover ranging from 30 to 1,200 hectares (Jakosalem et al.,...View Project
Conservation of Oxyura leucocephala in Barabinskay lowland (Russia)
The project will be implemented in Barabinskaya lowland, the south-east part of Western Siberia. The aim of the project is to contribute to the development of the local work in...View Project
Spatial ecology of wild cats in the Calden Forest: implications for conservation and management
Natural environments and native species densities in South America have been greatly reduced by of human activities such as agriculture, livestock farming, hunting and poaching. Calden Forest, Argentina, is one...View Project
Alder Amazon project: conservation across the Argentina-Bolivia border
Yungas forests are been degraded and lost at an alarming rate. In order to assure the conservation of these forests it is necessary to revert the unsustainable use that locals...View Project
Community-based wildlife monitoring in West Kalimantan, Indonesia
The "Heart of Borneo" Initiative aims to conserve the largest continuous rainforest in Southeast Asia through creating a network of wildlife corridors, protected and sustainable-use areas. Participation of local communities...View Project
Facilitative conservation – crocodiles as a proactive conservation model, Lake Nasser
Since its inception, the field of conservation biology has been viewed as a reactionary discipline. While this may still be the case, it is clear that a shift is necessary...View Project
Coral larvae distribution, settlement and early-survivorship at Los Roques National Park, Venezuela
One of the central interests in marine ecology is to assess the connectivity among populations; (i.e. the proportion of larvae or propagules that migrate from one population to the other)...View Project
Conservation of rare plants of Lake Baikal: monitoring of plants and education of local community
The project will take place on the eastern shore of Lake Baikal. Lake Baikal is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Russian Federal Government has recently designated this region as...View Project
Subsistence hunting effects on Amazon wildlife within indigenous territories in Acre
Indigenous lands are currently considered essential to natural resources conservation in Brazilian Amazon, and local involvement in decision-making processes to manage resources is seen as the most feasible way to...View Project
Community conservation actions for the Endangered Bolivian spinetail
The Inter-Andean dry forest in La Paz and Cochabamba departments of Bolivia is a restricted endemic habitat with many endemic threatened Cacti species. The endemic Endangered Bolivian spinetail is found...View Project
Conservation of the Medemia argun and the Nubian Desert Oasis biodiversity in Egypt
Medemia argun is a mysterious and little known palm, it occurs as very few populations in the Nubian Desert. Dungul oasis support the only known population in Egypt, other sites...View Project
Habitat conservation of globally threatened spot-billed pelicans in Sri Lanka
Now we have identified main reasons for habitat degradation of Pelicans and other water birds who occupy the man made tanks in Sri Lanka. The man made tanks (previously home...View Project
Conservation action planning and Sakhalin taimen: Sakhalin, Russia
A Conservation Action Plan (CAP) focused on Sakhalin taimen, the world's largest salmonid, will be prepared for the Langry and Bolshaya basins in Northwest Sakhalin. The CAP process assists and...View Project
Conservation of threatened wildlife in southwestern Amazonia – Brazil
Many gaps in knowledge impede conservation actions for species of concern in Amazonia. Our study-sites are large protected areas within the known or potential range of several globally threatened and/or...View Project
Involving local communities in conservation of the imperial eagle in Georgia
During the last decade in Georgia, imperial eagle populations have dramatically declined (from 53 pairs in 1991 to 10-15 pairs in 2003). This decline is caused mainly by the influence...View Project
Ecological impacts of upstream oil palm plantations on birds and primates in peninsular Malaysia
The establishment of commercial oil palm cultivation areas has caused massive tropical deforestation in Southeast Asia. Palm oil industry is perceived as the main threat to biodiversity despite being portrayed...View Project
Expanding protected areas in Argun Midflow and bird monitoring network in Daurai ecoregion on Russia-China-Mongolia border
In 2007 we documented and publicized the fact that wetlands of Argun River are critically endangered due to lack of conservation management and expanding human pressures in the dry phase...View Project
Ecological studies and conservation status assessment of tiger in Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve, Yunnan Province, China
Xishuangbanna Nature Reserve on the border with Myanmar and Laos hold the last promise for the survival of Indochinese tigers in China and conservation action is urgently needed after the...View Project