Supported Projects

There are currently 917 projects with the selected filtering.

Case study analysis of BirdLife Asia’s work with local conservation groups
Internship Bird

The internship is intended to contribute to compiling, assessing and sharing BirdLife Asia’s experience of working with local conservation groups, ecosystems services assessment and developing further work along these lines as...View Project

Internship Bird
Future Conservationist Award
Endangered primates’ role in the conservation of Colombian ecosystem services
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

The diverse inter-Andean lowland rainforests are currently disappearing due to habitat destruction and fragmentation. Information on all the ecosystem services these forest provide and how they are maintained is scarce....View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Future Conservationist Award
Community awareness and capacity building for Endangered turtle conservation in Northeast India
Future Conservationist Award Reptile

The northeastern region of India, located at the conjunction of the Himalaya and Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspots, is regarded as one of the major centres of turtle diversity. The populations of...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Reptile
Future Conservationist Award
Finding and conserving the little spotted cat of the Yungas, Argentina
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

Oncilla or little spotted cat (Leopardus tigrinus) ranges from Costa Rica to northern Argentina. It is rare in the majority of its geographical extension and patchily distributed. In the Yungas...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Priority objectives under the ‘species’ and ‘sites’ components of BirdLife’s 2009-2012 European Programme
Internship Bird

The intern will work closely with the European Science and Data Manager to help meet several priority objectives under the ‘species’ and ‘sites’ components of BirdLife’s 2009-2012 European Programme. In...View Project

Internship Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
Building community capacity and support for conserving the lesser florican
Conservation Follow-up Award Bird

The lesser florican a globally endangered bird has lost over 90% of its habitat. Being widely distributed, it shares its habitat with communities. Only a combination of a site-based approach...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Bird
Project proposal development and reporting for FFI
Internship Multiple

The internship is office based with frequent visits to FFI project areas. It will involve project management, financial management and office administration. The internship will offer a solid understanding of...View Project

Internship Multiple
Conservation Follow-up Award
Dugong Without Borders: Building capacity for Indian Ocean sirenian conservation, Comoros
Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal

The islands of the Comoros and Madagascar harbour the last dugong populations in the South West Indian Ocean Islands. However, these populations are currently unstudied, apart from work in the...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Mammal
Conservation in the Takamanda-Mone landscape
Internship Multiple

The intern will have a number of responsibilities including: scientific presentations, small project management, scientific research, scientific writing, fund raising, communication, timely production of reports for specific field projects, and...View Project

Internship Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Reducing threats to the endemic Cochabamba mountain finch, Bolivia
Future Conservationist Award Bird

The Cochabamba mountain finch is endemic to Bolivia. It is considered Endangered by IUCN because of its small distribution and small, fragmented population. Most of the species’ native habitat has...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird
Future Conservationist Award
Education centre for the conservation of the Serra do Urubu Important Bird Area, Brazil
Future Conservationist Award Bird

SAVE Brasil has been working for the conservation of the Serra do Urubu Important Bird Area since 2004. Over the past five years it has become apparent that in order...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird
Conservation Follow-up Award
Dracaena ombet tree community-based conservation project, Gabel Elba Protectorate, Egypt
Conservation Follow-up Award Plant

Dracaena ombet is a globally endangered tree and its subpopulations in Gabel Elba (GE) in Egypt are particularly threatened. Our Future Conservationist project report stated the urgent need to conserve...View Project

Conservation Follow-up Award Plant
Future Conservationist Award
Abundance of Mountain Tapir in Puracé National Park, Colombia
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

The mountain tapir (Tapirus pinchaque) inhabits high Andean forest and paramo ecosystems in Colombia. Populations of this species are declining as a result of habitat loss caused by anthropogenic action....View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Research and conservation in Amazonian Brazil
Internship Multiple

The intern will coordinate and support field expeditions for WCS Brazil, help in the elaboration of new funding proposals to expand  activities in the Amazon, participate in data entry, analyses...View Project

Internship Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Evaluating threatened primates in Caquetá, Colombia
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

The National Parks of Cordillera de los Picachos and Upper Fragua Indi Wasi, and the municipality of Valparaiso are conservation zones of international importance. Here, a number of primate species...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Future Conservationist Award
Monitoring and conservation of vulnerable lappet-faced vulture, Elba Mountain Protected Area, Egypt
Future Conservationist Award Bird

The lappet-faced vulture (Torgos tracheliotus), is a Vulnerable species. In Egypt, the only remaining places where this species can be found is in the Gable Elba Protectorate. The population faces...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Bird
Resilience of coral reefs in the face of climate change
Internship Multiple

This work will focus on analyzing WCS, NGO and government data on coral reefs including biological, physical, social and governance factors that most likely confer coral reef and social resilience...View Project

Internship Multiple
Future Conservationist Award
Ecological studies on Dugong dugon and its habitat: A contribution toward species conservation, India
Future Conservationist Award Mammal

The population of Dugong dugon from the Andaman & Nicobar Islands is reported to be in decline. The presence of around 40 dugongs was reported in 1999, however, this number...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Mammal
Future Conservationist Award
Freshwater turtle conservation in the Nanling Nature Reserve, Guangdong, China
Future Conservationist Award Reptile

The Nanling Nature Reserve is located in the Nanling Mountain Ecoregion, northern Guangdong, one of the globally critical areas for biodiversity conservation. It has at least 7 endangered freshwater turtle...View Project

Future Conservationist Award Reptile
Assisting with formation of an Ecuadorian Alliance for Zero Extinction
Internship Multiple

Earlier this year, several Ecuadorian conservation organizations, government officials, in addition to a few international organizations agreed on the idea to form an Ecuadorian Alliance for Zero Extinction whose goal...View Project

Internship Multiple