There are currently 939 projects with the selected filtering.
Andean cats and Puna biodiversity, Argentina
The Andean cat (Leopardus jacobita) is one of most endangered felids in the world and occurs almost exclusively in the Puna ecoregion, a regional conservation priority. The data we have...View Project
Supata’s Golden Frog Project: Conservation of new amphibians in Colombia
Supatá's forests are been degraded at an alarming rate. In order to assure the conservation of these forest it is necessary to promote the sustainable use of forest resources and...View Project
Practical management planning within the ADEPT agrienvironment and farmer extension
The intern will: 1. plan and supervise biodiversity field work in ADEPT project areas; 2. work embedded within the ADEPT agro-environment and farmer extension team to apply results of grassland...View Project
Conservation assessment and action plan for a threatened Colombian cycad
Zamia encephalartoides is a threatened cycad endemic to a unique ecosystem, the arid Chicamocha Canyon of Colombia. Its distribution and population status are poorly known, and expanding agriculture and other...View Project
Do protected areas of India’s Western Ghats conserve fish diversity?
Protected Areas (PA) designed to preserve charismatic species have been recently challenged in their efficiency in conserving more obscure species like freshwater fish that are not initially taken into account....View Project
Conservation and management of Amazon turtles, Brazil
Turtles are among the most vulnerable animals in Amazonian cultures because they have been traditionally harvested as a source of protein. The project goal is to provide necessary skills and...View Project
Potential threat assessment and conservation of Sclater’s monal at Mt. Gaoligong, China
Sclater's Monal (Lophophorus sclateri) is endemic to the eastern Himalayas, and has been poorly known due to its remote and inaccessible habitats. Based on our long-term research work on this...View Project
A capacity strengthening intervention for FFI’s main partner NGO in Ecuador, Fundacion Sirua
This internship will allow the opportunity for the intern to test and apply research methods with FFI’s main partner NGO in Ecuador, Fundacion Sirua (Awacachi Corridor in NW Ecuador -...View Project
Evaluation of threatened amphibians in Colombian key sites
The Alliance for Zero extinction initiative by members of the BP Conservation Award partnership have identified over 26 sites of vital importance to CR and EN amphibians in Colombia. Seventeen...View Project
Migration and conservation of eastern Pacific green turtles
The eastern Pacific Green turtle (Chelonia mydas) inhabits the waters of Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia and Ecuador, which makes it vulnerable to fishing activity by...View Project
Five threatened species at Western Andes of Colombia
The study areas have been transformed severely, with the original landscape converted to agriculture and pasture for cattle. Our main objectives are a) to determine the population density of five...View Project
A conservation framework for furcifer chameleons in Madagascar
All of the 72 chameleon species in Madagascar are endemic but only four are considered threatened on the IUCN Red List. Three of the 18 furcifer species are vulnerable to...View Project
Assessing the conservation status of tigers in West Sumatra
At c.3,000 km2 the Batang Hari Protection Forest (BHPF), west Sumatran, has the potential to contain a large Sumatran tiger population. Human-tiger conflict at the forest edge confirms tiger presence,...View Project
Migration pattern and population genetic structure of the lesser long-nosed bat in Arizona and Mexico
The lesser long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris curasoae yerbabuenae) is a nectarivore and is one of only five bats in North America that is able to migrate up to 1,500 km between...View Project
Assessment and conservation of Cundinamarca antpitta at Farallon de Medina, Cundinamarca
The Cundinamarca antpitta is a very poorly known and endangered species. Recent field observations by the principal investigator strongly suggest than the species specializes in large-leaved herbs. The purpose of...View Project
Assessing and mitigating the impacts of bycatch mortality of endangered loggerhead turtles, Baja California Sur
The critically endangered North Pacific loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) nests exclusively in Japan, and juveniles undertake developmental migrations that can last several decades and span the entire Pacific. Juvenile loggerheads...View Project
Cebu black shama (Copsychus cebuensis) conservation project
The endangered Black Shama (Copsycus cebuensis), endemic to Cebu Island, Philippines, survives in at least nine forest fragments with forest cover ranging from 30 to 1,200 hectares (Jakosalem et al.,...View Project
Conservation of Oxyura leucocephala in Barabinskay lowland (Russia)
The project will be implemented in Barabinskaya lowland, the south-east part of Western Siberia. The aim of the project is to contribute to the development of the local work in...View Project