There are currently 939 projects with the selected filtering.
Breeding ecology of Baer’s pochard in central and north China
Baer's Pochard (Aythya baeri) is classified as a Critically Endangered species on the IUCN Red List as it is apparently undergoing an extremely rapid population decline. The total population is now...View Project
Corridor capacity building program in north east China for Amur Leopard
The far eastern, or Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis; Schlegel, 1857) is probably the most threatened large felid subspecies in the world, and has been listed as Critically Endangered on...View Project
Butterflies of Vietnam and their role in tropical nature conservation
Butterflies are the most common invertebrate targets of terrestrial conservation efforts. A handful of species are threatened and/or protected by international law, but the group is especially well-suited as ‘ecological...View Project
Hard corals mapping for Semporna, Malaysia
The main aim of this project is to complete the mapping for threatened species of coral, measuring their abundance and distribution in Semporna. At the same time, this project will...View Project
Reducing human-snow leopard conflict in upper Spiti Valley, India
Negative attitudes of pastoralists toward the endangered snow leopard erode tolerance and threaten its survival in many places across central Asia. In our CLP project, we identified drivers of negative...View Project
Stopover ecology of spoon-billed sandpipers and Nordmann’s greenshanks, China
The spoon-billed sandpiper, Calidris pygmaea (Critically Endangered) and Nordmann’s greenshank, Tringa guttifer (Endangered) are two of the most threatened migratory shorebird species in the world. They congregate on the south...View Project
Enabling the coexistence of people and greater adjutant in India
In earlier projects, it was observed that all the stakeholders were working in an isolated manner to conserve the greater adjutant. The conservation efforts were not supported by an action...View Project
Ecological and conservation assessment of Rosa arabica in St Katherine, Egypt
Sinai Rose, Rosa arabica, is endemic to the high mountains of south Sinai, Egypt. The global population is less than 100 individuals, localized in nine locations within St. Katherine Protected...View Project
Mitigation of forest fragmentation in Aghanashini Lion-tailed Macaque Conservation Reserve, India
Aghanashini Lion-tailed Macaque Conservation Reserve (ACR), a newly formed protected area, contains many endemic and endangered species including the largest population of lion-tailed macaque (LTM). It also inhabits a large...View Project
Building Local Capacity in Delivering Effective Behaviour Change Education
This project aims to equip and empower local champions to combat extinction threats to amphibian species e.g. human consumption and habitat destruction. Project update: Twenty motivated champions, selected from biodiversity...View Project
Population viability of northern muriqui at Caparaó National Park, Brazil
Northern muriqui Brachyteles hypoxanthus is a Critically Endangered primate endemic to the Atlantic Forest. Less than 900 muriquis survive in small wild populations in 11 isolated remaining fragments. The Caparaó...View Project
Whale shark, Indonesia
Whale shark, the largest fish in the world, has been listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN. Despite protection by the Indonesian government the species faces various threats such as becoming...View Project
Supporting production of information and knowledge to improve conservation action in Mesoamerica´s last wild places
This internship will contribute to the development of the 'Human Footprint' in Mesoamerica, an analysis that has the objective of understanding conservation trends in the biggest and wildest areas in...View Project
Conservation management intern: investing in future guardians of Antigua and Barbuda’s natural environment
The Environmental Awareness Group is the longest existing non-governmental, environmental organisation in Antigua & Barbuda. In its 26 years of existence, the organisation has managed many successful conservation projects and...View Project
Promoting conservation of amphibians at El Pedregal in Mexico City
The Pedregal ecosystem in the south valley of Mexico is one of the richest areas in terms of biodiversity and endemism. The status and threats to this biodiversity is mainly...View Project
The role of Tibetan sacred sites in snow leopard conservation
Zaduo County, located in the hinterland of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, is the headwater area of the Mekong River and the Yellow River. It has the largest continuous snow leopard habitat...View Project
Contribution of WCS’s Andes-Amazonia and Amazon waters to sustainable development goals and key international agreements
For Giulianna, the overall goal is to receive on-the-job training on conservation issues, in particular on international conventions relevant for nature conservation and sustainable development. This is also an opportunity...View Project
Capacity for conservation and resource management event-planning and projects support
This internship will develop conservation capacity of Vivian through on-the-job training at FFI East Africa, and through exposure to a partnership network. Vivian will gain an understanding of FFI’s work within...View Project
Connectivity of whale sharks between Mexico and Colombia
Due to the remote location of the Revillagigedo Archipelago, there has been relatively little research of the marine fauna. Status of shark populations at the Revillagigedo is unknown, although evidence...View Project
Impacts, alternative solutions and awareness of mobula fisheries in Indonesia
Great concern has been raised regarding the vulnerability of mobula rays to overfishing in Indonesia, due to the increasing demand for mobulid gill rakers in the Chinese medicine market. Although...View Project